Frontend developer focused on business and location intelligence platforms and dashboards.
Building Location Intelligence libraries using React. Also applying them to products.
Advise on front-end web technologies and location intelligence libraries
Frontend lead. Development of GIS applications, based on WebGL technology using React & Webpack (CARTO VL, Mapbox GL, DECK.GL, Cesium)
Maintain existing web mapping products and dashboard. Develop web interfaces incorporating geolocated information. Create and update maps and infographics for the ICRC operation. Generate dashboards. Using Leafet technologies. FME (script caller).
Web App Builder Custom Widgets development for an Italian mining project (charting, filters, print). Using Dojo, Dijit and ChartJS. Creation of geoprocessing tools using ArcPy (Python)
Geostatistics and map production related with AVE (Alta Velocidad Española). QGIS
Visit my Github!
There you will find several repositories with Location Intelligence dashboards and tools, developed with or MapboxGL technologiesSci-fi lover: Matrix, In Time, Ex Machina, Black Mirror.
I can not spend a week without cooking Indian food, specialist in curries.
Watercolors addict.
I love checking development and programming tutorials, always trying to learn latest technologies.
Sometimes I write stuff on Medium